
I had never owned
a dog,didn't have a clue as to what a Pharaoh Hound was, when my first red dog found me. He was a gawky teenager who had lived
in a crate for the first six months of his life. I thought I was rescuing him,but it turned out to be the other way around.
The reign of Kayo was an eye-opener to the world of Pharaohs..With patience, endless questions to those in the know and
lots of errors on my part,he matured into a wonderful regal hound. With all the usual traits, a thief of food and socks, barking
at butterflies, digging trenches and turning the yard into one big hole. All he did was quickly forgiven. He owned me. An
intelligent animal ,a pharaoh is at times smarter than us mere mortals, the inspiration I drew from this marvelous creature
of the ancients filtered into my art. Instead of painting I began working with clay achieving more animation and capturing
the spirit of my boy.He was my dear friend. Our journey together lasted four years. My sweet boy passed away quietly in his
sleep next to me. Eight years have passed and his absence is still very much felt. Three new red dogs have invaded my life
and art. Now major events ,wins and titles are captured in clay. The most fun to create are those depicting my dogs as kings
and queens of ancient Egypt. My first red dog took so much when he left but gave so much in his short life to me. All my work
is signed with a "K" in memory of my first boy and dear friend.

